Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Battle Belongs To The Lord

Back in the old testament, they would carry and hold up banners when they were going into war. In a way it was to let the enemy know they were prepared to go into battle.
We all may not get a chance to serve in an army here on earth but we do have to deal with the principalities of the air. The devil is always coming behind us trying and tempting us in our battles. Saying to us, "Look! Now what are you going to do?" "God isn't going to show up no time soon or even at all." When the devil does this we need to raise our banners and prepare ourselves for war. And let the devil know we shall not be moved.
Just throw our hands up in the air and say "Thank you Jesus, You are worthy." By doing that we just knocked down a million demons that were following us around placing doubt in our minds. We knock them down just like a bowling ball that hits into the pins at a bowling alley. Can you just imagine this with me? (I laughed when I imagined it) The devil following you around the house or wherever you are at....then all of a sudden you just throw your hands up in the air and start praising God! You'd be doing more than giving him a black eye. Just clapping our hands there are no telling how many demon's heads we are crushing with each clap. The air is full of demons so when you worship and praise God you are stirring up the air in which the demons reside. It is truly halarious if you get to thinking about it.
When we are in a battle we should take our position of worship. We don't need to wait around before we praise God, to see what He is going to do. We need to worship and praise Him even before we see a victory. Because the battle does not belong to us, it belongs to the Lord. If the battle belongs to the Lord then the battle is already won, God is not a loser, He is a winner all the way.
Sometimes all we want to do is give God our petitions but we don't really give Him the praise and worship that He desires from us. If we stay in the presence of God, we are protected by His power. So if we truly stay in the spiritual rather than the flesh, then God is going to fight our battles.
When we worry we are not really trusting in God. We need to just keep our minds upon Him and love Him with everything we have inside of us. When we do this our battles, no matter how great or small, they will seem like nothing.
I thank God for His mercy, long suffering, kindness, love, strength, patients, correction, blessings, miracles, guidance, wisdom, & knowledge. I love you Jesus.

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