Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fairness Doctrine

I was watching the tv this morning and it happened to catch my attention about something that Rod Parsley was talking about. He was talking about the Fairness Doctorine. He was going on talking about how the federal government is wanting to regulate what is broadcasted over the airwaves. I was thinking okay well what is the big deal in that, it was just like censorship. Well, I was wrong.
The Fairness Doctorine is an attempt for the FCC or any other government authority to regulate christian broadcasting. If I am not reading the article I found on the internet wrong, it states that christian broadcasting would have to allow alternate views to their programming. Say a preacher was on the tv preaching about homosexuality, well after the views of that preacher, if the fairness doctorine was reinstated, then after that program the station would then have to let a homosexual talk on their behalf in order to "defend" themselves.
That is going against everything we as christians believe. There is no alternate view on the issues of morality. There is but one way and that is Jesus' way. So if the Fairness Doctorine is reinstated then there will be censorship on what is preached over the entire country.
This puts me in the mind of the movie Left Behind: Tribulation Force & World At War. In that movie the anti-christ bought the largest broadcast station and the world was only allowed to watch what the "government" wanted them to. If there was anything preached on the air about Jesus then the broadcast would get cut.
Well you say what is the big deal, well as I was reading the article I mentioned earlier......this will not just effect tv. It will also effect radio, internet, and any other form of communication that we use. Which then will probably turn into preachers not being allowed to preach the gospel in their own churches. Well not without being fined or thrown into prison.
That is a scary thing to think about. Not being able to talk about Jesus or say His name in public. I cringe at the thought, people better start waking up and realizing we are closer than we ever have with Jesus coming back. The bible talks about these things. One world government and etc. That is what all of this is leading up to.
I just thought I would let everyone know that there is a petition out to have our government leaders know that we don't want our christian tv, radio, and internet censored by them. The links below will take you to the article I have mentioned about the fairness doctorine and the other link is the petition that Rod Parsley wants everyone to sign. I urge you to read about the Fairness Doctorine to learn more before you sign any petition.

Why the Fairness Doctorine Is anything but fair.

Fairness Doctorine Petition

If neither of these links work let me know.

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